Cramposie Selectionata: A Romanian Treasure
Let me introduce you to Cramposie Selectionata, a remarkable Romanian grape variety that has stood the test of time. This ancient variety dates back to the pre-Roman Empire era when it was cultivated by the Dacians, an indigenous people of the region. What makes Cramposie Selectionata unique is its autosterile nature, meaning its flowers cannot produce fruit on their own. To overcome this, a dedicated group of researchers created the Cramposie Selectionata variety through hybridization, resulting in high-quality wines with a perfect balance of acidity and sugar.
Origin and History
Crampoaie Selectionata is a grape variety that can trace its origins back to ancient times, specifically to the pre-Roman Empire days when the region between the Danube and the Carpathians was inhabited by the Dacians. It is one of the few Dacian varieties that have survived over the centuries, showcasing its resilience. To better understand traditional grape varieties in this context, check out The Rich History of Romanian Wine Making.
Autosterility and Hybridization
One notable characteristic of Crampoaie Selectionata is its autosterility, which means that its flowers cannot bear fruit by their own pollen. In order to overcome this challenge, it used to be cultivated alongside the Romanian variety Gordan, which served as a compatible pollinator. However, to eliminate the issue of sterility, a group of researchers led by Dr. Eng. Mircea Marculescu from Dragasani engaged in years of research and studies to create the hybrid variety known as Crampoaie Selectionata in 1972. This variety was developed through direct sexed hybridization between Crampoaie and Gordan. For more insights into grape varieties, visit Grape Varieties in Romanian Wine Production.
Production Patterns
Originally intended for the production of non-vintage white wines, Crampoaie Selectionata has proven versatile beyond that expectation. In addition to sparkling wines, it has also shown the ability to produce high-quality wines characterized by their acidity and sugar accumulation. This versatility has made it a popular choice for winemakers looking to create fruity and balanced wines that leave a pleasant coolness in the mouth. To better explore other notable varieties, you can learn about Feteasca Neagra.
Ampelographic Strengths
Crampoaie Selectionata possesses several ampelographic strengths that contribute to its overall appeal. The flower is a regular hermaphrodite of the 5-6 type, making it fertile and rich in pollen. The adult leaf is large, typically consisting of 3-5 lobes. It is glabrous on the upper side and prickly on the inside. The petiole, or stalk that connects the leaf to the stem, is long and light greenish in color, measuring between 13-15 cm. Overall, these strengths add to the visual appeal and robustness of the grape variety. Discover more about Romania’s unique grape varieties by visiting Galbenă de Odobești.
Yield and Sugar-Acidity Levels
Crampoaie Selectionata yields can range from 7000 kg/ha to 15000 kg/ha, with the actual output being determined by various climatic factors and production departments. In terms of sugar-acidity levels, this grape variety accumulates between 196-215 g/l of sugar and has a total acidity of between 5.5 and 7 g/l H2SO4. These values contribute to the overall flavor profile and balance of the wines produced from this variety. To learn more about the regions these grapes thrive in, check Exploring the Wine Regions of Romania.
Aroma and Taste
The wines made from Crampoaie Selectionata grapes are characterized by their aromatic qualities and distinct taste. They exhibit notes of apples, pears, citrus, and exotic fruits, combined with bold mineral undertones that add complexity to the overall experience. The aroma and taste of these wines make them suitable as both an appetizer and a complement to meals. They can also be enjoyed after a meal, leaving a refreshing sensation in the mouth and a lingering sense of satisfaction. Curious about where to find such premium wines? Visit The Best Romanian Wineries.